Inspiration: Infographics

Here's a short piece put together by our Art Director on Infographics.

Information Graphics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used anywhere where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly.

Infographics play an important role in today's society and are often used in newspapers, allowing news to spread as quickly as possible. Newspaper Infographics are commonly used to show the weather, as well as maps and site plans for newsworthy events, and graphs for statistical data. You can also find Infographics on maps, especially road maps that point out transfer points and local landmarks.

Here are a few examples of good clear Infographics:
This picture shows a way of giving the reader a lot of information through visual means. It shows how the budget of Spain works, where Spain gets its money from and how the money is used.

This is taken from the United Nations Environment Programme. This Infographic on the Global Distribution of Water specifically highlights the scarcity of freshwater.